
Even decades after leaving the church, I held a belief that it was not okay to talk about my lived experiences in, and out of Mormonism.  That belief influenced my behavior for too many years. Here, I challenge that belief.

If you have reached LDS information overload, my hope is that you find respite here. The is website is not about the details–other blogs and podcasts help us wrestle those. Join me here as I zoom way out, with the perspective gained by the time and distance that separates me from my membership in the church. This is about big ideas. This is the human experience of leaving Mormonism.

Alan Hanks is a 7th generation (post-)Mormon. He was born into an orthodox Mormon family in Provo, Utah. He is the nephew of a current Apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Christofferson).

October 2020